Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Practice Problems for Elasticity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
manage Problems for Elasticity - Essay ExamplePrice ginger nut is always negative for complements. Forth and last, income, a throw in income causes a shift in enquire. Income walkover f demand is calculated as the pct change in demand divided by the percent change in income. This change determines the order of magnitude f the shift. Demand nominate increase or decrease with the increase or decrease in income.Along any straight-line demand abridge, elasticity decreases from infinity to zero. In the range f the demand curve where elasticity is more than one, decreasing legal injury increases revenue. In the rage where elasticity is less than one, however, decreasing price decreases revenue. My return selection is Pet Day Care and I have found it to price elastic...meaning that at that place are several substitutes. Low-end services like dog walking are good substitutes for throw away flatter daylight care centers. A fall in the price for someone to come to your home and al low your dog out or walk or dog may likely decrease the demand for you take your caress to an All-Day daycare facility. The lower price f the In-Home service induces consumers to purchases these services versus those f a drop-off or All-Day facility. The cross-price elasticity f Pet Day Care with respect to drop-off or in-home service determines the magnitude f shift in the demand curve. Lowering the price f drop-off service would likely increase demand and revenue.Immediate substitutes or replacements f... Where as a walking service averages about $25 per week for 2 ten-minute daily walks Monday through Friday and in home services averaging $25 - $30 per day. Price adjustments have increased demand in the drop-off sector as having piazza resources readily for sale i.e. -warehouse space or open land have become increasingly available and by foodstuff standards, very cheap to acquire and maintain.This project was able to focus on the market structure f a Pet Day Care service. Eac h division represents a divers(prenominal) market structure. I learned about perfect competition part day care, full day care, and in home pet day care. The changes depended on the type f pet care the pet owner went with. It was interesting to see how the changes and decisions that are made in the different types f care can affect the results f the prices and the cost/profits for the service.Microeconomics Price Elasticity f Demand1.) If the price elasticity f demand for heroin is estimated to be about 0.4 this means that the demand is mostly inelastic because the elasticity demand is less than one. Being mostly inelastic means a percent change in price leads to a less than proportional percent change in quantity demanded. So if thither is a 10% increase in price, it will lead to a 4% decrease in quantity demanded.2.) If the price f heroin increases, given its inelastic demand, the suppliers income will increase. This is proved to be authentic because mostly inelastic demand and t otal revenue are directly related. When the price is raised on heroin the percentage changed f quantity demanded is less than the percentage changed for the price in turn breeding the total revenue f the heroin dealers. This policy has
Monday, April 29, 2019
Was the Marshall Plan an unqualified success Essay
Was the Marshall Plan an outright triumph - Essay ExampleIt also peeps into the state of economic growth in European countries in the first place the commencement of this invention, so as to examine whether or not the Marshall conception was an unqualified victor.The economic, companionable and policy-making state of European countries of had been greatly exhausted as the repercussion of the World War II. until now the most powerful countries, such as Germany, could not escape the devastations of war. The economic growth all oer the Europe had stalled and various political factors were hindering the process of economic growth acceleration. Watt illustrates the condition of European countries as,in the economic field matters were still worsened. The economies of France and Germany were in ruins Industrial production was recovering but the intensiveness of exports was nothing like adequate to finance the necessary imports to maintain the rate of recovery. In France and German y the position was worse still. British recover was far ahead of that in Europe 1.The desolating economic state did not sole(prenominal) hampered the exchange and industrial growth of war-striken European countries, but was also threatening for the American capitalism. The United States, uprise as the world super power after the World War II, perceived the state of halted trade and investment activities as grievous to its industrial growth. This led the US to devise and implement an assistant plan directed towards all the European countries, known as the Marshall plan or the European convalescence Plan. The program was aimed towards driving European cooperation towards enhanced trade, investment and industrial growth, as well as curtailing the political aspects hindering economic stability in the region. Hence, shaping the European economic growth on American foundations. Watt points out that the Marshall plan was to be a projection of many American ideas and ideals onto a Euro pe that was in a state of economic and political difficulties2. The western sandwich Europe, desperately in pack of funds and collaboration, quickly accepted the offer and proceeded towards its implementation. Vickers remarks that the Marshalls speech was welcomed with open arms by all the due western European states, already moving into varying degrees of co-operation3.Unqualified Success Of Marshall Plan- A Myth Or RealityThe Marshall plan is said to have greatly stimulated the economic growth of West European countries after the Second World War. Researchers (such as Mee4 and Wexler5 etc) argue in the favour of Marshall plan to have successfully transformed the course of economic recovery in Europe and led those countries on the track of growth. Wexler goes on to the extent of saying that the Marshall plan was one of the great economic success stories of modern times6. Although it is true to the extent that the flow of dollars and US conditions through the Marshall aid quicken the process of economic and industrial growth in the region, however the plan, exclusively, cannot be termed as an unqualified success in driving this progress. Vickers illuminate this point as, it is because of the way that the Marshall Plan entered the psyche of post-war politics that at that place is still a danger of falling prey to the myth of Marshall Aid. 7The amount of aid provided to the Western Europe during the Marshall plan was not sufficient to the extent that
Sunday, April 28, 2019
International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
multinational Business - Essay Examplethat are very well suited to the regions they operate, the cultural difference in different in different nations may not be found with the gauzy business endeavour as we see in with large companies with high volume of operations.Create logistic support for the small companies or enable them to use the economical logistic resources with funding their activities through the public owned way of transport. Liberalization of aviation policies for transport among the regional trading block countries.The governments should form forums and communities for developing the multinational business etiquettes and cultural knowledge to enable the small companies leadership team to be more constructive in enhancing the business terms.Governments should provide consulting advisory boards on the industries, functions specific to enhance the knowledge about the opportunities for the small companies with keep to business volumes, clientele and consumer
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Child needs in Mental Health Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Child needs in Mental health - Research Paper ExampleOne of these alternative methods that the article proposes is the person-centered or nurture approach to infant psychical health. Such a practical and empathic method of dealing with the actual experience of the kid and his/her loved ones completely conflicts with the alleged psychoeducational model, which recognizes a biological explanation for psychological distress, like schizophrenia. The article explained that in spite more than decades of continued criticism, the mental health nurse approach continues to rule the diagnosis and give-and-take of mental health illnesses. Even though initially related with a particular school of thought, the mental health model and, currently, the biopsychosocial approach and other psychosocial perspectives are all employed by different academician fields and expertise in their attempts to determine what has to be done for the sake of care, therapy, and medication. It is not unexpected t hat a particular nursing framework for mental health and psychiatric care did not surface, or that theories of nursing have been quite poorly viewed by nurses themselves. Dissimilar from medicine and academic fields based on the social sciences, such as social work and medical psychology, nursing has traditionally been perceived as an intellectual minority, with very few empirical findings and negligible literature. Customarily, nurses have been relegated to a supporting role in the clinical field. In spite of two centuries of attempt to institutionalize an independent presence and a alone(p) idea of the vastness of nursing, nursing still seems to be preoccupied by the visions of the past. Because the general paradigm of mental health care keeps on involving the recognition of a clinical diagnosis and the operation of accepted clinical interventions, the importance of any unique paradigm of nursing has been severely questioned. Analysis The article is quite descriptive and largel y a review of related literature. In a way, the article has elaborated and justified the importance of person-centered approach to child mental health nursing, as well as the importance of alternative models, by mentioning credible scholars in the field. However, the article has some weaknesses. Even though nursing has an established relationship with the intuitive feeling of caring through interpersonal attachments, ever more this has been dominated by claims for evidence of their importance indoors an empirical scholarship framework. The article failed to provide some empirical justifications for its argument. Nevertheless, as some scholars argued, the dynamic mechanisms in nursing and the mental health patients, experiencing and dealing with a mental disorder, can eventually bring well-nigh healing, and are encountered per se by individuals under nursing care. The article argues that nurses have to build a certain rapport or attachment to the children in their care in order for them to unravel the experience of mental health disorder and wellbeing. Even though health care is turning out to be indifferent(p) and technologically, large numbers of mentally ill children and their families are demanding for care and medication to reconfirm the bonds between themselves and their healthcare providers. Within this point of view the
Friday, April 26, 2019
Don Quixote's madness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Don Quixotes madness - Research composition ExampleUnsuccessful in his first major quest, he set out on a second adventure with his servant Sancho Panza whom he pleaded with to accompany him on the journey as a squire. As a measure of compensation, Don Quixote promised to make Sancho the Governor of an Isle. Sancho, a farmer and a family man was chosen as the squire who will accompany him throughout his quest into claiming lands and portions for his self-glorification. They both rode on his horse across the cities of Spain in quest of glory and fame. In addition, there was a woman whom Don Quixote fell in love with and at every arcdegree he is in distress, he recognizes her as a point of strength and fortress. On his second mission, he encountered people that influence and shape his idea and disposition about life even when such disposition negates his belief and the reason for his conquest. He met a boy in the custody of an evil man and decided to leave him because he was assure d of his safety. Sancho, being a patriotic servant neer for once departed from him even though he received the brunt for Don Quixotes ill judgment. ... He refused to heed to the words of Sancho, rebuking him non to meddle with his quest saying he is not a knight and does not have the instinct of facing giants at war (Ludlum 146). Since he never wanted to hearken to the advice of Sancho, he advanced further at the mill with the mind of attacking the giants he saw instead of the windmills, as he charged further, there was a heavy wind that caused the canvas in the windmill. When he saw this, then he believed the giants were trying to use magic that multiplied their hands. On sighting the multiple hands of his perceived giants, he sought for the support of his lover Dulcinea as a way of encouraging himself to fight his giants (Cervantes 65). This was common of Don Quixote throughout the novel as he a great deal have his mind set on Dulcinea (Mancing 147), making the whole story se em as if he was on the quest to impress her rather than set himself as the greatest knight. He approached the windmill and launched his sword, only when his sword and lance were crushed by the windmill and fell to the ground. Sancho saw the bad state of his maitre d and he quickly rushed to help him, instead of Don Quixote conceding to his mistake, he was bent on an enemy enchanter turning the giants into windmill. He was still under the influence of the stories of major knights he had read about, his inspiration to surpass their achievements, and coupled with his desire of experiencing the love affairs those knights had in the books he read. Because of this, his quest for love became stronger and he would sacrifice himself for beauty that seems to put him in trouble. His nature of doing things got him into trouble with two monks he perceived as enemies capturing a princess. He engaged in a combat with one of the monk and threw him over
Thursday, April 25, 2019
People have to solve the smog problem Research Paper
People have to solve the smogginess problem - Research writing ExampleChinas own governmental policies designed to keep the problem of pollution in spite of appearance limits have not been really successful and the national target to keep the concentration of particulate depend within limits was never achieved. The environment belongs to each and every one of us and there exists several ways in which citizens of the country help to reduce the problem and lead a better and safer life.Smog is essentially photochemical air pollution. Smog has two major components- suspended particular proposition and emissions from factories and vehicles. Smog is basically of two kinds- London type and photochemical type. London type of smog occurs mostly in urban and industrialized areas where coal plants and fossil fuels are consumed in huge quantities. Major components in such types of smog includes particulate matter and oxides of sulfur. Another major form is the photochemical smog which a result of reactions in the atmosphere which are initiated by ultraviolet radiations on emissions. Vehicles are the principal contributors to such emissions. Major components of photochemical air pollution includes oxides of nitrogen, ozone and hydrocarbons (Altshuller, 1978).It is not that that the Chinese Government is least bothered about the environment or problems associated with it. The fact is that the government has greater concern for socioeconomic development and has degraded the environment in the subspecies to become a booming economy. Air pollution monitoring have shown that suspended particulate matter in most regions such as Shanghai and Beijing exceed the limits which can be tolerated by the human body. According to air quality index for Shanghai is 137 and for Beijing is 224, both of which are very unhealthy (Air Quality Index in China, 2015). In fact very recently, the air pollution in Beijing was so high that it became impossible to measure it with the normal air quality methodology.Chinas energy demands are
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Define the medical model of health and describe the differences when Essay
Define the medical puzzle of health and describe the differences when compared to the social model of health - Essay ExampleThis health model is based on a medical scientific paradigm that emphasizes a restoration of health to a state of general well-being and the key word is recovery (Lyng, 1990100).On the other hand, the social model of health emphasizes the prevention measures that can be made on society as a integral that will promote overall well-being in a certain population by qualification some changes in the lifestyles of people. In other words, the social model of health looks at the social causes of diseases and examines how the segmentation in social systems can be contributory to the outbreak and spread of diseases (Earle, 200755). The large-scale health projects unremarkably adopted by governments to eradicate certain diseases embrace this social model of health by nerve-racking to change a whole citys or even an entire countrys population. This latest concept t o sweep among general health policy makers compares societal breakdowns as the primary cause of diseases within society. A good pillow slip would be social and economic inequalities which contribute to the poor health of certain segments of society such as ethnic or minority groups which do not have access to proper medical reverence services.The medical model of health is concerned mainly with the health of an individual and this is more or slight in terms of physical health. This model takes a narrower view of the health of the individual in terms of physiological or biological changes as determined by a diagnosis. On the other hand, the social model of health takes an encompassing view of the health of the entire society and is a multi-disciplinary endeavour ranging from control and detection of diseases in a population (epidemiology) to the promotion of public health through a furnish of relevant health advice and timely health information.As such, the social model of hea lth acquires greater substance in terms of promotion of the economic well-being of a nation as well.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Assignment three Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Three - designation Exampleat all the land transactions that were to be made in the west field of honor of the Appalachian crest would be handlight-emitting diode by the British government and not the American colonists as it was the case. This brought just about an infuriation from the colonists as well as the entrepreneurs and they started opposing the British policy makers whom they had embraced once and it also contributed to the variation (McConville 116).In addition, the British policy makers increased the payment of import taxes through an increase in the Townshed duties. umpteen Americans complained of the unfairness of this and criticized the move. They made their complaints openly in published letters and even open articles which angered the British and made them send troops to America to control the situation and try to calm people down. This led to an increase in political fervor, massacres in Boston as well as caused the beginning of the American Revolution through the violent actions as they revenged the attack by the British troops (Nash
Monday, April 22, 2019
Self-Disclosure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Self-Disclosure - Essay ExampleSadness is evince when unity is in such condition as discouraged, gloomy depressed or downhearted. It is a elusive moment of every human being. Empathy is regarded when people have the ability and will for sensing peoples emotions that are accompanied by the capability to imagine what they think or feel (Spence, Fox, Golding & Daiches, 2012). It is expressed when one feel stressed when we detected another individuals fear or anxiety. Sympathy goes beyond ones empathy since it is acknowledging another persons emotional hardships and providing comfort and assurance.Personally has been a victim of grapevine information. This is due to the fact that all human beings are front of informal person to person means of circulating information or gossip. Handling rapine information is a real argufy but when handled in a proper way faecal matternot lead to fighting. The best way I can handle is through dialogue and understanding the root cause of the informa tion, eventually the situation is contained leaving both parties satisfied (Spence, Fox, Golding & Daiches, 2012).Good moral values guide me to control expressing my emotions to any other person still in the circumstance when in depression. I have spent some time without expressing my emotions. It was last during a session when I was given an opportunity to represent my institutions in competition and was ranked the best it was a moment of great joy for my life. I felt like it was like a turning run my
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