Friday, October 18, 2019

Letter & Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Letter & Memo - Essay Example Now don’t run away with the idea that this has to do with either hills or goats; you’d be surprised when I explain what it is- â€Å"Hillbilly Armor† seems to be a slang term that was often used by American troops during war time. This term is widely used by military personnel to describe the vehicle armor which was improvised when they were attacked and the vehicles got damaged. They used improvised material to make their vehicles stronger against the attacks. You can take our vehicle for an example! Such armor was also used during World War II. I am sure you too would have come across this phrase sometime and I would be happy to hear if you had any more information on this interesting phrase. The second interesting phrase which I am sure would come handy to you when we go on operation projects is a funny phrase called â€Å"Speaker Monkey†, the meaning of which I assure you has no connection to monkeys. I can see you smiling from ear to ear and its no wonder because it sounds quite funny. Have you heard of such a phrase? Though it does sound funny, being a speaker monkey is no laughing matter. Let me explain to you what a â€Å"Speaker Monkey† is – A â€Å"Speaker Monkey† is a person who is put in charge of using certain techniques that are vital during Psychological Operations (PSYOP, PSYOPS) These techniques are used not only by military personnel but also in the police force. Have you ever come across such a funny phrase? These people use these techniques while targeting a specific audience in order to influence their behavior and reasoning by playing on their emotions and feelings. Don’t you find these phrases interesting? Please try to collect some more information on this you come across and I would be glad to hear what you have to say. If you have any comments or queries, please do get back to me with them. Hi Everyone! The letter written and sent along with this memo was written to my friend Ram, a local national. Ram

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